GedHTree HomepageIndex
1899 Boer War begins
1903 Wright brothers 1st plane flight
1912 Titanic sinks on maiden voyage
1914 - 1919 World War I
1922 USSR formed by Soviet states
1837 Queen Victoria assumes throne
1854 Crimean War with Russia
1869 Opening of Suez Canal
1871 Franco - Prussian War
1895 Marconi invents wireless telegraphy
1798 Irish revolt against English rule
1804 Napoleon becomes French Emporer
1805 Battle of Trafalgar, Nelson killed
1815 Battle of Waterloo, Napoleon defeat
1830 French Revolution
 Zalman Eizenberg
 Izrael Eizenberg
 b.1795 Gowarczow, Poland
 d.1845 Gowarczow, Poland
 Estera ???
 Wolf Eizenberg
 b.1821 Gowarczow, Poland
 d.1841 Gowarczow, Poland
 Ankiel Eizenberg
 b.1842 Gowarczow, Poland
 Chaja ???
 Izrael Eizenberg
 b.1845 Gowarczow, Poland
 Dawid Jcek Eizenberg
 b.1851 Gowarczow, Poland
 Ryfka Cukiernik

 Mickey Gross
 Steven Gross
 Aubrey Heymann
 Jarryd Gross
 Gwen Heyman
 Beatrice Treisman
 Lorie Gross
 Kyle Gross
 Joanne Brick

 Mickey Gross
 Paul Gross
 Aubrey Heymann
 Daniel Gross
 Gwen Heyman
 Beatrice Treisman
 Jonathan Gross
 Vicky Aron

 Martin Jankelowitz
 David Jankelowitz
 Mickey Gross
 Liora Gross
 Aubrey Heymann
 Gwen Heyman
 Beatrice Treisman

1914 - 1919 World War I
1922 USSR formed by Soviet states
1939 - 1945 World War II
1945 Atomic bomb detonated (Hiroshima)
1950 Korean War begins
1871 Franco - Prussian War
1895 Marconi invents wireless telegraphy
1899 Boer War begins
1903 Wright brothers 1st plane flight
1912 Titanic sinks on maiden voyage
1815 Battle of Waterloo, Napoleon defeat
1830 French Revolution
1837 Queen Victoria assumes throne
1854 Crimean War with Russia
1869 Opening of Suez Canal
 Osher Yudke Beiles
 Eliezer (Lazar) Meir Beiles
 b.1891 Kaunas, Lithuania
 Abraham Treisman
 Chaim Beiles
 Beila Treisman
 Buna Leah ???
 Yosif Beiles
 d.1944 Dachau Concentration Ca
 Yudel (Yudke) Beiles
 Josef Langleben
 Chana Langleben
 Rachel Leah