GedHTree HomepageIndex
1969 Armstrong first person on moon
1986 Nuclear disaster at Chernobyl
1989 Berlin wall falls
1991 Persian Gulf War
1991 Break-up of the Soviet Union
1922 USSR formed by Soviet states
1939 - 1945 World War II
1945 Atomic bomb detonated (Hiroshima)
1950 Korean War begins
1964 - 1973 Vietnam War
1895 Marconi invents wireless telegraphy
1899 Boer War begins
1903 Wright brothers 1st plane flight
1912 Titanic sinks on maiden voyage
1914 - 1919 World War I
 Wayne Guthrie
 George Edward Bevan
 b.1903 Ledbury, Herefordshire
 d.1975 Ledbury, Herefordshire
 Hilary Georgina Bevan
 Charles Hill
 b.1881 Bishop's , Herefordshire
 d.1963 Hampton Grange Nursing 
 Ethel Eveline Hill
 b.1905 Woolstone, Tewkesbury
 d.2004 Ledbury, Herefordshire
 Harriet Ann(ie) Salmon
 b.1880 Hockmore St, Oxford
 d.1919 3 Bank Cot, Herefordshire

1989 Berlin wall falls
1991 Persian Gulf War
1991 Break-up of the Soviet Union
1994 Channel tunnel opens to traffic
1997 Scotland Scientists clone a sheep
1945 Atomic bomb detonated (Hiroshima)
1950 Korean War begins
1964 - 1973 Vietnam War
1969 Armstrong first person on moon
1986 Nuclear disaster at Chernobyl
1903 Wright brothers 1st plane flight
1912 Titanic sinks on maiden voyage
1914 - 1919 World War I
1922 USSR formed by Soviet states
1939 - 1945 World War II
 Gerald Coggins
 Alan George Coggins
 George Edward Bevan
 b.1903 Ledbury, Herefordshire
 d.1975 Ledbury, Herefordshire
 Evelyn Ada Bevan
 Ethel Eveline Hill
 b.1905 Woolstone, Tewkesbury
 d.2004 Ledbury, Herefordshire
 Susan Briggs

1989 Berlin wall falls
1991 Persian Gulf War
1991 Break-up of the Soviet Union
1994 Channel tunnel opens to traffic
1997 Scotland Scientists clone a sheep
1945 Atomic bomb detonated (Hiroshima)
1950 Korean War begins
1964 - 1973 Vietnam War
1969 Armstrong first person on moon
1986 Nuclear disaster at Chernobyl
1903 Wright brothers 1st plane flight
1912 Titanic sinks on maiden voyage
1914 - 1919 World War I
1922 USSR formed by Soviet states
1939 - 1945 World War II
 Gerald Coggins
 Alan George Coggins
 George Edward Bevan
 b.1903 Ledbury, Herefordshire
 d.1975 Ledbury, Herefordshire
 Evelyn Ada Bevan
 Ethel Eveline Hill
 b.1905 Woolstone, Tewkesbury
 d.2004 Ledbury, Herefordshire
 Lynne Mead

1989 Berlin wall falls
1991 Persian Gulf War
1991 Break-up of the Soviet Union
1994 Channel tunnel opens to traffic
1997 Scotland Scientists clone a sheep
1945 Atomic bomb detonated (Hiroshima)
1950 Korean War begins
1964 - 1973 Vietnam War
1969 Armstrong first person on moon
1986 Nuclear disaster at Chernobyl
1903 Wright brothers 1st plane flight
1912 Titanic sinks on maiden voyage
1914 - 1919 World War I
1922 USSR formed by Soviet states
1939 - 1945 World War II
 Steve Carpenter
 Samantha Carpenter
 Adrian Carpenter
 Gerald Coggins
 Sheelah Coggins
 George Edward Bevan
 b.1903 Ledbury, Herefordshire
 d.1975 Ledbury, Herefordshire
 Evelyn Ada Bevan
 Ethel Eveline Hill
 b.1905 Woolstone, Tewkesbury
 d.2004 Ledbury, Herefordshire

1945 Atomic bomb detonated (Hiroshima)
1950 Korean War begins
1964 - 1973 Vietnam War
1969 Armstrong first person on moon
1986 Nuclear disaster at Chernobyl
1903 Wright brothers 1st plane flight
1912 Titanic sinks on maiden voyage
1914 - 1919 World War I
1922 USSR formed by Soviet states
1939 - 1945 World War II
1854 Crimean War with Russia
1869 Opening of Suez Canal
1871 Franco - Prussian War
1895 Marconi invents wireless telegraphy
1899 Boer War begins
 Evan Williams
  Des Williams
 Enid Williams
 Charles Hill
 b.1881 Bishop's , Herefordshire
 d.1963 Hampton Grange Nursing 
 Edith Hill
 Robert Charles Salmon
 b.1855 Cambridge St., Oxford
 d.1900 Wheaten, Gloucestershire
 Harriet Ann(ie) Salmon
 b.1880 Hockmore St, Oxford
 d.1919 3 Bank Cot, Herefordshire
 Ann Brown
 b.1850 Wallingford St., Berkshire
 d.1883 Hockmore St., Oxford